Serendipitous History

Finding serendipity is a labor of love

Family is the cornerstone of Serendipity in Bloom. From my husband Alex handling the heavy lifting when it comes to tilling our fields, hauling compost or building my raised beds; to my son Xander helping with all the miscellaneous tasks, stocking the flower stand, and mowing our grass; to my dad building me a flower stand and helping make vases; to my stepmom Zenia sharing her greenhouse space when needed and letting me bounce flower ideas off her. I couldn't do it all on my own. The history of where this all started goes beyond my pipedreams of growing and selling flowers. 

It all started well before me

Christine Pudyk, who was lovingly known as Baba, is where it all started. The property that we currently farm on was purchased in 1965 by her and her husband John. Christine loved to garden. She began planting vegetables on the property and first selling at local markets including the Shane-Ferry in Detroit and Northville. She later expanded to both vegetables and flowers at markets in Plymouth and Ann Arbor. She continued gardening until she retired at age 84 after an injury. You can tell by her infectious smile she had a love for farming. 

And I will continue...

My hope each season is I can continue the efforts that Baba started on this property. It is clear that she had a passion and love for what she did. I feel that same passion when I'm growing, maintaining and harvesting in our gardens. It's amazing when you're doing something you enjoy so much how it doesn't feel like work at all. Every day I am out in my gardens I think about how I want to be able to provide something to my community that spreads smiles, kindness, happiness and maybe some selfcare. The reward that provides me far outweighs all the work that goes into it. I hope to see you this summer and be able to spread that joy your way!


Spring is upon us!


2023 Is Upon Us!