
As the 2023 season is likely coming to a close in the next couple weeks, I take this time to reflect on my second season operating this flower farming business. It certainly doesn’t get easier, but it gets more rewarding. Every time I see a photo of people sharing their flowers, receive positive feedback from a flower friend, or see how a flower made a difference for someone, it reaffirms why exactly I do what I do. I work a traditional 9-5 job but come February-October my extra time before and after work is filled with seeding, planting, weeding and maintaining the gardens. It’s not easy (not like I ever thought it would be), but it feeds my soul. Flower farming is a passion that I never knew I needed in my life until it was happening. I am already so excited thinking about all the things I want to do for you all and with you all next year. The wheels in my brain are always turning, and I am always planning. I look forward to continuing to spread smiles, offer a positive vibe or simply spread a little selfcare that we all need so badly in our busy daily lives. Enjoy your fall season!


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